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Writer's pictureLatrea Russ

The Sudden Disability By Coach Latrea

I have had the fortunate opportunity of being born with a disability versus waking

up one day and having my life flip upside down. I often would wonder if would it be

easier to be born with a disability or through some crazy event become disabled.

Growing up I would have this conversation with my sister when I was struggling to

understand why I did not look like everyone else. I remember she would often

tell me “You have been living with this disability since birth you should be used to

it by now. It’s not like you just woke up one day and looked like that” as I got

older and continued to struggle with my disability I wondered two things: does

anyone ever really “gets used to their disability” and two is it easier to be born

with a disability or to wake up and suddenly find yourself a part of the disabled

population. In terms of “getting used to your disability”, I don’t think people in

the disabled population get used to it per se for the most part they develop a sense

of acceptance- this is what is now I have to take the skills and abilities that God

has blessed with and used them to not only honor him but live my life to the best

of their abilities.

Every day millions of people wake up to suddenly find themselves a part of a

new and unique population, a population that for the most part they never imagined

they would be a part of. They are disabled and have no idea how and why they

ended up here or how to handle this new set of circumstances that they are

forced to face. When a person discovers that they have become a part of the

disabled population, a wave of feelings and emotions comes over them hurt,

disappointment, and anger. One of the first things I think a person suddenly

affected by a disability would experience would be disbelief not really wanting

to accept that this has happened to them, along with disbelief there is denial- the

refusal to accept that this is what their life has reduced to. I have often heard

from newly disabled people that it feels like a dream that they can’t seem to wake

up from. Another challenge that newly disabled people have to face is learning

new language-often times a new disability will bring a new set of vocabulary filled

with labels and words that doctors use to try to explain tests and conditions.

Learning to cope with fears doubts and depression could be another challenge a

newly disabled person may have to face. The fear of the unknown brings

about doubts in the ability to ever be able to care for themselves. Fear may cause

depression as seen in an article entitled “When Disability Strikes” written by

Renee Brandi. In this article we witness Renee, a newly disabled person after a

sudden fall out of her bed deal with many of these challenges such as

trying to return back to what they considered a normal life, learning who you are

now compared to who you were for the disability, how do you accept your

disability, what does accepting you disability look like. Lastly financial strain, you

now have to go to the doctors more often or you may have more doctors.

I can speak from experience being disabled whether you were born with a

disability or found yourself suddenly thrown into this community. This is not

the easiest road to travel with tons of bumps twists and turns that we have to

prepare for. I personally have spent a long time trying to find my place in this

world, waiting for the world to give me permission to exist. Until one day I

decided, I am going to create my own way, I am going to stop waiting for permission I

am going to be who God called me to be, and that's what I wanted to help

other disabled people do!

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